Buy Moroccan Kaftan Dresses in London

Moroccan Kaftan or kaftan is of the most stunning dresses in morocco. It is what females wear in special occasions such as a wedding or baptism. It is as elderly as the country itself. But it’s known some creative transformations over the years which made it the dream dress that every Moroccan girl must have.

History of Moroccan Kaftan Dresses

The Moroccan kaftan is an ancient costume dating back to the Greco Roman period. It’s been through several revisions over time. While the principle of full traditional apparel always remained the same, its style variations have undergone some changes over time.

Originally, only the sultans and their wives had the privilege of obtaining a garment as expensive and fashionable as the kaftan because the designers spent months to design it and the craftsmen took even more time to shape it, with its embroidery and hand-beading, weaving in with gold and silver thread.

Obaid Sheikh Punjaamni Collection at PFW London (3)

 Moroccan Kaftan Dresses has a legacy that has lasted over time and despite all the invasions that occurred. But those invasions brought more creative ideas and helped shape the kaftan.

The kaftan has appeared in North Africa in the 3rd century AD. Arabs then warmly adopted it for pregnant ladies in the palace. The kaftan was remodelled following monarchies that succeeded, sometimes near the body, sewed in weaves light and silky, perfectly matching the shape of the body, sometimes wide, short, worked in thicker weaving.

Moroccan Kaftan Dresses patterns in London are quite similar with those worn by ladies in Morocco but are also stylish and trendy.

Kaftans specialist based in London providing alternative glamorous Moroccan evening and wedding dresses.About Company: Karim London holds a wide range of beautiful designs, colours and styles and sizes that suit everybody’s individual tastes. For more details on how you can own your very own beautiful Moroccan Kaftan Dresses in London contact us on  or email us on  or call us on 0208 0018049.

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Designer Kaftans- Latest Fashion of the Season

Kaftans are long ankle length clothing with long sleeves. In different countries this apparel had different specification & exhibited the wearer status. Royal people often gave flamboyant kaftans as a significant of favour. Fabrics used to made kaftan can be cashmere, wool, cotton or silk. It may be worn with a robe or sash.

Long Kaftans Dresses in London of silk wear regarded as precious item to gift luminaries & kings friends. Now with the change of time this apparel has been transformed into a stylish clothing style for females. Not only patterns & designs have changed but also the idea of wearing is also varied.


Slight manipulation in its length & shape make kaftans as of the best options for beach & party wear. There’s number of people wear waist or thigh length & match it with other attires. It may also be matched with denims. Nowadays it is a common summer wear & anytime clothing. One of the fashion marks is Kaftans with animal prints, designed to meet the latest trend & preference of females.

There are some variation have been made to wear Beach Kaftan Dress London. The length of arm is short, elbow length or even sleeveless. Females in designer kaftans can flaunt her beauty at her best & prepare to wow. Such dresses not only offer comfort & style but also permit plenty of experiment to mix & match in order to have an enhanced look. Different types of body shape looks in such dresses. It’s transformed in to a brand spanking new hit amongst the party people, office & beach goers.

Kaftans are the season trend whether you are going to workplace or for the party with mates, get dress in designer kaftans for the whole comfort, stylish style & classy look. For the significant style statement, you could purchase them online.

About Company: Karim London holds a wide range of beautiful designs, colours and styles and sizes that suit everybody’s individual tastes. For more details on how you can own your very own beautiful made Kaftan dress contact us on  or email us on  or call us on 0208 0018049.

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Head Scarf – Perfect for the Modern Muslim Woman

Head scarf was designed to cover the head and face of a Muslim woman. The Islamic head scarf was made to accompany the jilbab which is a long and loose garment worn by Muslim ladies. Muslim ladies were slightly hesitant and apprehensive to sport such conservative outfits at their workplace or college, but with modern elements being introduced and absorbed in the traditional Islamic apparel, they can wear Muslim apparel with plan and confidence.

Head Scarf for Muslim Women in London has emerged to be of the most popular clothing items that are worn by females in recent times. It’s gone through lots of modifications and shed its conservative picture. Although the older and middle-aged females still prefer to wear black or dark color head scarves, the more youthful generation prefers to experiment with different designs, colors, and patterns.


Head scarves can be worn in many different ways. It can be wrapped around the head and let loose over the shoulders, or it can be placed on the head and wrapped around the face and chin. Nowadays, fashion designers are generating head scarves with Swarovski crystals on them. Of course, this raises the cost to a definite extent, but then again, you can surely splurge a tiny to look lovely?

If you wear a stylish head scarf to your class, rest assured that your classmates will want to know where you got it from. It is important to pick the scarf according to your face cutting. Round faces should drape it in a different fashion as against an oval or a triangle formed face.

About Company: Karim London provides designer, gorgeous and glamorous scarves for Muslim women in London. Visit us today or contact us on 0208 0018049.


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